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hand, resistance; 1st cause fear, expeditious retreat, spider climb;
remaining. The DC to break open the cabinet door is 28 with
2nd knock, web.
the arcane lock in place (18 otherwise) and picking the physi-
cal lock is DC 30 (Tarien has the key with him, on the ethereal
Spellbook: 0 all cantrips; 1st cause fear, expeditious retreat,
plane, where they don t do anyone any good).
mage armor, magic missile, shield, spider climb, true strike; 2nd
knock, web.
Navae keeps a close eye on the characters and follows them
if they go to Revan s home. As soon as one of the characters
Divine Spells Prepared (3/2): 0 cure minor wounds, guid-
has the box containing the galadiir, Navae uses his malevo-
ance, resistance (2); 1st obscuring mist, sanctuary, protection from
lence ability and attempts to possess him or her, ordering his
good (domain spell).
phase spiders to kill the rest of the characters. He then casts
Once he s sure he s evaded any pursuit, Navae opens the box
sanctuary, followed by expeditious retreat, and flees from the
(setting off the fire trap, which he didn t know was there, but
area as quickly as possible.
the damage isn t likely to incapacitate him). He uses the gem s
Navae, male elf ghost Clr1/Wiz3: CR 6; Medium undead
final wish to transform the character s body into his own,
(incorporeal); HD 4d12; hp 31; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd fly 30 ft.
making his possession permanent (and effectively killing the
(perfect); AC 17 (+2 Dex, +5 deflection bonus); Atk +3 melee
character). He then leaves Aniel and the player characters to
(1d4, corrupting touch); Face/Reach 5 ft. x 5 ft./5 ft.; SA Man-
their fate.
ifestation, corrupting touch, malevolence, telekinesis; SQ
The Galadiir: The stone the people of Aniel call the galadiir
Undead, incorporeal, rejuvenation +4 turn resistance; AL CE;
is a beautiful dark opal worth 8,000 gp for the gem alone. But
SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 14, Con  , Int 14, Wis
its actual value is far greater. It is an ancient relic won from
16, Cha 20.
the Drow long ago and guarded by the people of Aniel, passed
Skills: Concentration +6, Hide +12, Knowledge (religion) +6,
down over the years. The Galadiir is a gem of three wishes (simi-
Move Silently +4, Search +12, Spellcraft +6, Spot +12, Feats:
lar to a ring of three wishes, p. 195, DMG). One wish was used in
Scribe Scroll, Toughness (x2).
the defeat of the Drow. Navae used the second to bring about
his curse, leaving one wish remaining. The characters can use
it to undo the effects of the curse, rescuing the people of
The characters receive experience points for overcoming
Aniel and ensuring that Navae s spirit is put to rest.
the various challenges in this adventure as follows:
Defeating Navae: 1,800 XP
If the characters overcome Navae and use the galadiir (or Defeating the phase spiders: 1,200XP each
some other means) to restore the people of Aniel, they receive
Overcoming the fire trap spell: 300 XP
the gratitude of the elves, who offer the characters the (now
Discovering the truth of what happened in Aniel: 1,500 XP
non-magical) galadiir as a reward for their efforts, and hold a
celebration in their honor. If the characters managed to find
Add any additional experience for wilderness encounters on
some way of restoring the elves without using the final wish
the way to Aniel to determine the party s final XP total.
from the galadiir, the people of Aniel offer to use it to grant
the characters one wish of their choice (provided it s some-
thing the elves find worthy).
Steve Kenson has been a freelance writer in the RPG indus-
If Navae managed to possess one of the characters and use
try for five years and a gamer for far longer than he'd care to
the galadiir s final wish to make his possession permanent,
admit. He's written for a number of games including Shad-
the characters have a greater challenge ahead of them. They
have to find some other means of restoring the people of
His work appears regularly in DRAGON magazine. Steve main-
Aniel, which may entail a quest to find a powerful spellcaster
tains a website with gaming articles he has written and infor-
or magic item. They also have to find Navae if they are to have
mation about his current projects. It can be found at
any hope of recovering their companion. The former ghost
http://members.aol.com/talonmail.He can be
goes to ground. He plans to accumulate power and knowl-
reached by email at talonmail@aol.com.
edge before seeking out the Drow in order to serve Lolth. He
can become an adversary of the characters in the future.
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