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63. I would like to thank János Tischler, Research to 20 July 1953); Col. S.N. Lialin (20 July 1953 to Programme and the Department of Political Science,
Fellow, Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian September 1954); Col. G.S. Ievdokimenko (September and Research Fellow at the Centre for Russian and East
Revolution, Budapest, for bringing this document to 1954 to April 1959; Ievdokimenko became adviser to European Studies, University of Toronto. Dr.
my attention. the Committee for Public Security after the MPS was Gluchowski is completing a book-length manuscript on
64. Text of the communiqué in the PUWP daily, dissolved on 7 December 1954 and finally disbanded on the Polish crisis of October 1956, based in part on his
Trybuna Ludu (20 October 1956). 13 November 1956). The preceding list of Soviet dissertation,  The Collapse of Stalinist Rule in Poland:
65. Nowe Drogi 10 (October 1956), 21-46. advisers in Poland comes from Nikita V. Petrov of the The Polish United Worker s Party from the XX CPSU
66. On the Poznan revolt see Jaroslaw Maciejewski and  Memorial group in Moscow. Congress to the VIII CC PUWP Plenum, February-
Zofia Trojanowicz, eds., Poznanski Czerwiec 1956 72. As of June 1956 six Soviet colonels remained in the October 1956, and recent research conducted at the
[Poznan s June 1956] (Poznan: Wydawnictwo Polish Committee for Public Security and the Ministry Archive of Modern Records (AAN [Archiwum Akt
Poznanskie [Poznan Publishers], 1990); and Maciej of Internal Affairs. Nowych]) in Warsaw and the Central Military Archives
Roman Bombicki, Poznan  56 (Poznan: Polski Dom 73. Until October 1956 Soviet advisers in the Polish (CAW [Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe]) in Rembartów,
Wydawniczy  Lawica [The Polish Publishing House Army totalled about 50 (51 in May and 50 in July 1956). Poland.
 Lawica ], 1992). After October 1956 the Soviet advisers were renamed
67. Nowe Drogi 10 (October 1956) 20.  Military Consultants . In January 1957 some 29 So-
68. Ibid., 149. viet Military Consultants remained in the Polish Army.
69. Ibid., 157-158. This figure was reduced to 12 by the end of the year. In
70. Trybuna Ludu, 21 October 1956. 1958 the figure dropped to 6 Soviet Military Consult-
71. Andrzej Paczkowski, Institute of Political Studies ants (2 at the General Staff, 1 in the Artillery, 1 in the Air
at the Polish Academy of Sciences, who has conducted Force, and 2 at the Military Technical Academy).
extensive research in the Polish Ministry of Internal However, the Chief Soviet Military Adviser (Lieuten-
Affairs archives, provided me (in a letter dated 10 ant General Sergei Chernisev) also continued to func-
At the Presidium meeting on October 24 ately leaked to Polish officials earlier in the
continued from page 1
(and later in his memoirs), Khrushchev de- day; and Soviet naval vessels had begun
1956. A shorter version was originally
scribed how the Soviet Union actively tried holding conspicuous maneuvers in waters
discovered by Tibor Hajdu of the Institute
to prevent Gomulka from regaining his lead- near Gdansk.8 Despite these various forms
of History of the Hungarian Academy of
ership post.5 On October 19, as the 8th of pressure, the Polish authorities stood their
Sciences in Budapest and published in Hun-
Plenum of the PZPR Central Committee was ground, and the meeting ended without any
garian in 1992.1 Although the document
getting under way, a delegation of top Soviet firm agreement. The official communique
below is the most important item to emerge
officials paid a surprise visit to Warsaw. The merely indicated that talks had taken place
thus far, other materials in Prague are also
delegation included Khrushchev, Vyacheslav and that Polish leaders would be visiting
well worth consulting. In addition to files
Molotov, Nikolai Bulganin, Lazar Moscow sometime  in the near future. 9 In
left from the top organs of the former Czecho-
Kaganovich, and Anastas Mikoyan, as well every respect, then, the negotiations proved
slovak Communist Party (Komunisticka
as the commander-in-chief of the Warsaw less than satisfactory from the Soviet stand-
strana Ceskoslovenska, or KSC), which are
Pact, Marshal Ivan Konev, and 11 other point.
all now housed at the Central State Archive,
high-ranking Soviet military officers. In a After the Soviet delegation returned to
numerous items pertaining to the military
hastily-arranged meeting with Gomulka and Moscow on October 20, the PZPR Central
aspects of the 1956 crises can be found in
other Polish leaders, the CPSU delegates Committee reconvened and promptly elected
the Czech Military-Historical Archive
expressed anxiety about upcoming person- Gomulka first secretary and dropped
(Vojensky historicky archiv).2
nel changes in the PZPR and urged the Poles Rokossovskii and several other neo-Stalinist
The summary report below was pre-
to strengthen their political, economic, and officials from the PZPR Politburo. That
sented by the KSC leader, Antonin Novotny,
military ties with the Soviet Union. For their same day, an editorial in the CPSU daily
to the other members of the KSC Politburo
part, Gomulka and his colleagues sought Pravda accused the Polish media of waging
on 25 October 1956.3 The report is undated,
clarification of the status of Soviet troops in a  filthy anti-Soviet campaign and of try-
but it must have been drafted and hastily
Poland and demanded that Soviet officials ing to  undermine socialism in Poland. 10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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