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Requesters are also solely responsible for complying with any applicable statutes governing
the use of such material and securing appropriate licenses for use of such material, if
§ 173.5 Fees.
(a) The Department will make Program Material available online (i.e., in digital format) at
no cost.
(b) The Department may collect a fee for reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred to
fulfill requests for Program Material not available online. Such requests, including fees
applicable thereto, shall be governed by part 171, subpart B of this subchapter.
Dated April 14, 2014.
Richard Stengel
Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
[FR Doc. 2014-09022 Filed 04/18/2014 at 8:45 am; Publication Date: 04/21/2014]
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